Vilken konsert, tvungen att langa upp en av mina bilder. Bäst var sista sången då de bjöd upp high school kidsen från videon i en av mina tidigare artiklar att uppträda med dem. Ett utsålt Wiltern gick nuts. Roligt var också att efteråt läsa den här recensionen från LA Times, ett skolexempel på hur man skriver om man är en kultursnobb som skribenten John Payne:
"They are not thrashers, not by a country mile. Yet you might call Cold War Kids' stuff cinematic punk, taking cues from the temperamental atmospherics of Radiohead but warmed way up with Velvety drum smacks and a darkish cabaret-honky-tonk vibe aided considerably by charismatic singer Nathan Willett's barrelhouse piano pumping.
"Robbers" and "Passing the Hat" and other stories of crumbling families, decaying moralities, corrupt religions or sheer mental survival were delivered with a sardonic fervor laced in a meaty minor-key majesty by a supremely taut and in- telligent young band whose players interestingly often took turns completely dropping out of the mix, as if the overall mood of each piece was being painted from a broad palette. Only the typical mushy bass sound of the Wiltern detracted from the set's ultimately mesmerizing power."